School Tour
If you are looking to join our school, we welcome you to come and look around our stimulating learning environment. If you are interested in finding out more about our school, please call to arrange a meeting with our Principal, Matt Kolic.
Attendance Dues
Attendance Fees at Catholic Primary Schools in the Wellington Archdiocese are $136.25 per term or $545.00 per year.
These can be paid by:
Automatic payment
Online using credit or debit card www.wn.catholic.org.nz/attendance-dues
Attendance Dues can be paid in instalments on a weekly, fortnightly or term basis.
Information about how the attendance dues are used within the school is available here.
Classroom Visits
We welcome you and your child to visit our school before starting their school year. These visits help your child to be familiar with their classroom teacher and their classmates. It also allows parents to establish a relationship with the teacher. We recommend 2 - 3 visits before your child starts their schooling.
Please contact the office to arrange a time.
Enrolment Documents Required
St Anne's Enrolment form
New Zealand birth certificate or passport
Passport of parents (If that parent has been born outside of New Zealand)
Passport or Residency Status for children born outside New Zealand
Your child's immunisation records
Baptismal Certificate (Preference)

Enrolment Form

Dues Agreement

Preference Cert

What does my child need to know before starting school?
We are here to help your child learn academic and social skills. We do not expect your child to have learned their letters, numbers or to read before they start school. However, there are a few skills that can help your child get into the swing of things quickly and cheerfully.
To use the toilet and wash my hands by myself
Draw a picture/make marks on a page and say what I have drawn
Recognise my own name
Tell people my name
Open my lunchbox and any food containers or packets inside it
Dress and undress myself
Put on and take off my shoes (gumboots or velcro shoes are requested if your child cannot tie laces)
Sit and listen to a story for five minutes
Be able to tell an adult if I need help
The best preparation for school is playing and talking! Through playing your child learns what they are interested in and enjoy doing. Talking, singing songs and reading books is an amazing way to set your child up to enjoy reading. If you are concerned about whether your child is ready for school please feel free to come and chat to us, we are passionate about supporting children to have a positive experience in the early years of school.